Sunday, March 23, 2008

Valley’s mayors claim process is ‘flawed’

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - March 23, 2008

The leaders of the Okanagan’s largest cities are suggesting an independent review of governance options may be required. Wayne Lippert, Vernon mayor, discussed a report into valley-wide governance with his Kelowna, Westside and Penticton counterparts Thursday. Depending on what Community Services Minister Ida Chong does with the report, the mayors believe there may be a need for someone independent to get involved. “They could put forward ideas on governance structures that could work,” said Lippert. The report is a product of a valley-wide task force that has been meeting since last fall and it was drafted by the administrators of the three regional districts. “We think that possibly the task force is flawed because we’re asking regional districts to review themselves,” said Lippert. “Can that be unbiasedly done?” The task force will present the report to Chong Tuesday in Victoria, and the four mayors are expected to provide her with a summary of their thoughts on the document.

“She’s requested that the cities have some input,” said Lippert. “We want the minister to be aware of our take on things as the larger cities.” The report urges Chong to approve a second phase to the task force’s mandate so it can further investigate two possible governance models — a single regional district for the Okanagan or inter-regional authorities on issues such as water, air quality and transportation. Lippert, who sat on the task force, admits more details are required. “The report is not a bad report but the financial implications have to be known for the big cities,” he said. While the four mayors discussed the two options, no decision was made on which one was preferable. “We’ve asked our staff to put together information so we can take a further look at it,” said Lippert. Previously, City of Vernon officials have indicated that they favour a single regional district for the Okanagan Valley.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When Lippert talks of
'someone independent' is he perchance referring to the developers he has given the task to buy and sell taxpayers' real estate??!!

Like Jack Borden who has initiated a governance research group?