Sunday, March 23, 2008

Vernon Council has less than 8 months to pull together as a team.

Click on Image to enlarge.


Anonymous said...

I wasn't aware that homogeneity was the guiding principle for a town council. Actually, this Council looks a lot like the last one--with the usual maverick and the usual losers, the taxpayers!

Anonymous said...

I hope all those losers on council sink very soon-I guess they will in November-the taxpayers will have enough sense to elect a totally new council and mayor.

Anonymous said...

What will the councillors campaign on-ineptitude of the mayor or of themselves? I do not think that they will blame themselves,so they will need to blame Lippert and Beardsell? Should be an interesting campaign since they have not achieved anything other than the OCP review and Beardsell was responsible for getting that underway 1year earlier than proposed.