Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Agenda is set today - Will RCMP reserve Policy be on it?

Hopefully as the Mayor sits down to prepare Monday's Council Agenda for both the COW meeting in the morning at 8:40 and regular Council meeting at 1:30 he will reflect back to the public input on the 5 year Financial Plan on April 14.

Being the lone public input I requested that Council:
  • make the transfer of last year's RCMP surplus of $787,483 into the RCMP reserve account. (As suggested by the CFO in a memo to Council this could be accomplished by taking the money from the Casino reserve where normal infrastructure projects such as Middleton Way are normally financed.)
  • Now that the DCC's that will shortly be approved by Prov. Government has made the original stated purpose of the Affordable Housing Reserve moot, then transfer back to the RCMP reserve fund the $310,000 that came from that reserve and was a condition of that transfer. This will leave $190,000 in the Affodable Housing Reserve fund and the purpose and disposition of this reserve can be determined at a full scale review of all existing reserves .
  • Introduce a resolution (if one doesn't actually exist) that the City's policy is that the entire Policing surplus each year (both RCMP contract and other expenses) MUST be placed into the Policing Reserve. The disposition of this reserve will only be done by formal resolution in an open council meeting .
  • Consider reducing the planned 2.04% tax increase (not including fire). I pointed out several areas where the budget revenue was understated or the budget expenses overstated. The BC Hydro grants in lieu ($35,000 underest.) and traffic fine revenue ($90,000 underest.) are examples of this.
  • Middleton Way financing: Is there a possibility that increased DCC's can come out of the DCC pot to pay for this project and reduce or eliminate the $305,000 in this year's budget? What is the status of the $631,568 grant applied for Jan 24/07 and is marked as 'not likely- project completed' on Grants report revised on March 26/08. Were Council aware they might be jeprodizing this grant application when they voted on going ahead with Middleton Way?
I hope that these items will be debated as an agenda item on Monday. If not I hope that a Councillor will at least attempt to add them on the COW's meeting agenda.

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