Friday, April 25, 2008

Association protests lack of city debate

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - April 25, 2008

The City of Vernon is being accused of not acknowledging expenses related to the failed civic complex process. The Vernon Taxpayers Association questions why council has not publicly discussed the $373,538 that was spent on last summer’s counter-petition and January’s referendum. “It’s very disrespectful of the citizens,” said Tony Stamboulieh, association spokesman. The group claims transparency and accountability has been lacking. “On the civic complex costs there has been silence: no discussion, no debate, no accountability to taxpayers, financial report buried on page 285 of the agenda package, and the grant status report slipped under the wire, unnoticed,” states a press release. “Why did the mayor treat the financial costs for the civic complex so flippantly as ‘the cost of doing business?’” Mayor Wayne Lippert says there was no reason to discuss the expense report when it was presented to council April 14. “Council was aware of the approximate costs and they (final expenditures) were in line with what we expected. Why keep flogging a dead horse?” he said.

Lippert suggests that Stamboulieh is being selective when it comes to financial matters. “If he’s so interested in the taxpayers’ finances, why didn’t he show up for the budget input meeting and why isn’t he concerned about the regional district budget and transparency there?” said Lippert. The association is also questioning city suggestions that it didn’t know in mid-December that two government grants for the civic complex had been denied. City staff have stated they didn’t become aware of the status of the applications until early April. “If the applications were turned down, they (government) wouldn’t wait until April to advise them of that. That’s hard to believe,” said Stamboulieh. Lippert stands behind staff and denies anyone knew about the failed applications Dec. 18. “We have no reason to hide anything,” he said, adding that those grants turned down were for 2007, not 2008. “The process is the process and we apply for grants every year.”


Don Quixote Note: Details of the various reports in dispute can be found at Grants Report vs Advertisments. You be the judge and then Let's Move On !

I will continue to post the going ons of this never ending saga for the historical record. However it is time for both sides to cooperate in a better use of their talents. The Taxpayer's Association is acting as the clearing agent doing most of the legwork for the Hospital Petition. Perhaps the City of Vernon can make the petition available at City Hall and set aside a small budget (perhaps from the Mayor's discretionary Fund) to help defray the expenses of this group? An ad in the local papers that I'm sure could be obtained at a cut rate expressing the full support of the City Council would be a good PR gesture also.

As the Mayor said in regards to the costs "Why keep flogging a dead horse?" I'm sure there is plenty of that that will occur during the next election !

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