Wednesday, April 30, 2008

City is rolling the dice on big plans

By Jeremy Deutsch - Kamloops This Week - April 27, 2008

To say it’s big would be an understatement. The city is working through a rezoning and development permit for a new casino in the heart of the city centre.Lake City Casino wants to put a 50,000-square-foot casino, including a restaurant and some office space, on the north side of Fifth and Sixth avenues that front Lansdowne Street. Right now, the area is a parking lot. The plan also calls for some 200 underground parking spaces. Randy Lambright, planning and development manager with the city, said staff is working with the casino on both the rezoning and the eventual design of the building. “We haven’t formed an opinion yet,” he said of the development. “Until such time as we prepare a report, I wouldn’t be able to provide what our opinion is.” There is currently a height restriction on the property, but Lambright said it appears from proposed plans the addition will appear to be one storey from the outside, but may be two stories internally. Lake City’s current Victoria Street casino, in the Executive Inn, is over 14,000 square feet — less than a third of the size being proposed. The casino will have to relocate its liquor licence as part of the permit process. Once the application review is completed, staff will report back to council and from there go to a public hearing. Lambright wouldn’t set a specific timeline, but noted the city tries to get projects in front of council within eight to 12 weeks of receiving them.

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