Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Eric Fish FOI Report

Starlee Speers, Astral Media Radio - Vernon

Convicted murderer, Eric Fish, gave no indication he would murder again, according to the committee tasked with looking into the violent death of an elderly Vernon man in 2004. Under the Freedom of Information Act, Sun FM has obtained a copy of the National Parole Board and Correctional Services of Canada investigation into Fish. Eric Fish was at large from the Vernon halfway house for nearly 7 weeks when he murdered 75 year-old Bill Abramenko, robbed the couples house and stole their car. At the time of the 2004 murder Fish was serving a life sentence for a murder also involving a home invasion and an older victim in Ontario. While the report from the three member board doesn't place blame, it makes recommendations to prevent a similar tragedy from occurring.

The report recommends a better communication between decision makers and parole supervisors- the board determined there was confusion about Fish's restrictive parole conditions. Secondly , the board recommends Corrections Canada do more to assist police when an offender is at large in the community. Fish was spotted many times during the seven weeks he was at large. The board also recommends more information and training is given to corrections staff in cases of people serving life sentences for murder.Despite the fact Fish was on parole for a murder involving similar circumstances in Ontario, and he'd escaped from a minimum security facility, the board says, there were no any indicators Fish would murder again.

Fish is serving a life sentence for the murder of Bill Abramenko.Despite the long awaited release of the investigation findings into the Eric Fish case, the family of the victim still has questions. Bill Abramenko's daughter, Rosanne Maitland says she hasn't gotten closure because improvements to the system haven't been made. Maitland says, she wouldn't want a halfway house in Vernon again because the community seems ill equipped to deal with offenders. Her husband, Ross Maitland questions why Eric Fish was at large in Vernon for so long when he was spotted numerous times. Maitland says had there been communication between the various Federal bodies, Bill Abramenko would still be here today.Bill Abramenko's family is in the process of filing a civil suit against the Federal government for mishandling the Eric Fish case.

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