Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Financial Plan Ammendments are required by Community Charter.

Kelowna Amendments to Five year Financial plan 2007-2011 on April 14 Kelowna Council meeting.

Don Quixote Note: This is how Kelowna handles the major items "This amendment is being presented for Council approval for changes to the 2007 Financial Plan that have occurred since Final Budget was approved in May of 2007" Take a look at actual report at link above and see the items that they consider material.

I hope Vernon Council reads this report and sees the necessity of a list of major financial obligations and benefits that have occurred since they approved last years budget. This gives them a summary overview of all the items that they approved after the budget was set in stone. Certainly it would be a way for the CFO to ensure that all the budgetary transfers made are once again ratified by an open City Council meeting and the resolution would be part of the historical record. The saga of Middleton Way with its cost overuns, possible grants nullified and raping of the Police Budget are a prime example of why this report is necessary each year as required by the Community Charter.

Hopefully as Council struggles with the decision to reinstate the money to the RCMP reserve that was inadvertently used and a complete review of reserve balances and reserve categorys (Both history and necessity) they will make a part of the policy chances a requirement for a 2008 5 year financial plan amendment on an annual basis.

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