Friday, April 04, 2008

Governance at the RDNO from the Area Viewpoint.

Amalgamate or Incorporate
The above link is a power point presentation on the bx/swanlake website

"Residents in Areas B & C continue to see land being annexed by the City of Vernon for more development. Under current regulations, there is little the residents can do to oppose annexation. More development means more traffic, less privacy, more water usage, more waste, more noise pollution, more light pollution and in general, more destruction of the way of life most of us wish to preserve. The link below "Amalgamate or Incorporate" outlines some of the options to consider for the protection of our lifestyle."

AGM meeting: Jan 29

Greg Betts and Inge van Oostveen both from NORD gave a very informative slide presentation (Amalgamate or ???) on options available regarding local governance.

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