Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Government of Canada supporting seniors in Vernon

VERNON, BRITISH COLUMBIA, April 22, 2008 Mr. Colin Mayes, Member of Parliament for Okanagan-Shuswap, today celebrated funding for three projects under the New Horizons for Seniors Program. Mr. Mayes represented the Honourable Monte Solberg, Minister of Human Resources and Social Development, and the Honourable Marjory LeBreton, Leader of the Government in the Senate and Secretary of State (Seniors) at an event where he congratulated the Vernon Restholm Association, the Inkamupalux Elders Society and the Kindale Development Association for their projects that will enable seniors to stay involved and take active leadership roles in their community. "The Government of Canada is proud to support seniors in strengthening our communities and building our country," said Mr. Mayes. "The three projects will encourage seniors in the Vernon area to continue sharing their skills, wisdom and experience to benefit others."The three organizations received total funding of $32, 000. Throughout British Columbia, under the Community Participation and Leadership component of the New Horizons for Seniors Program, total funding of over $1.5 million was provided for 97 projects to support 58 communities. These projects were funded from a 2007 Call for Applications. The New Horizons for Seniors Program is now accepting applications under the Community Participation and Leadership component for the fiscal year 2008-2009. The deadline to apply is June 13, 2008.


Don Quixote Note: I was at this news conference and the most interesting part came at the media scrum when Mr. Mayes was asked about the GST rebate that was needed by the Shubert Centre and also his knowledge of the workings of the in-out advertising gimmick employed by the Federal Conservatives during the last election. His answers were indeed interesting and will soon be reported on by CHBC, KISSFM and the Morning Star who formed part of the assembled media.

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