Friday, April 04, 2008

Kelowna gets $50,000 to expand sister city program

By Adrian Nieoczym - Kelowna Capital News - April 04, 2008

The City of Kelowna has received $50,000 from the province to increase its cultural and economic ties with sister cities in Asia. “The government is encouraging communities in the province to twin with our friends over in Asia,” said Liberal MLA Al Horning as he presented a cheque to Kelowna Mayor Sharon Shepherd. “The reason for all this is because with the new port in Prince Rupert, Asia is going to be the closest neighbour to us. We’re going to be the gateway…for all of Canada, so there’s a lot of economic and cultural opportunities.” The money can be used by Kelowna to plan its twinning program, identify potential partners and support travel for senior officials to conduct face-to-face meetings. The funds have to be used on relationships with communities in China, Japan, Korea or India. Kelowna already has two sister cities, Kasugai, Japan, and Veendam, in the Netherlands. It is also pursuing a sister city relationship with the District of Senanga, Zambia. The $50,000 can be used to pursue a new relationship or enhance the one with Kasugai. The city has not yet decided how it will use the money. “We’re in a process of developing a policy as to what should relationships look like,” said Shepherd. “Before we branch off into a whole lot of other opportunities, we want to be sure we develop a policy. So, that’s going to be our first step, and then council will look at what we can do with the $50,000 and what country we will pursue and what community we will pursue.”The city has until next March to tell the province how it will use the money.Horning said the province is spending a total of $1 million to help B.C. cities twin with foreign communities.
Don Quixote Note: Perhaps the Vernon Grants officer can apply for some of this money so we can enhance our relationship with our Asian Sister City of Tome, Japan.
The City of Vernon is twinned with:
  • Tavullia, Italy
  • Modesto, California
  • Saint-Lambert, Quebec
  • Tome, Japan

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