Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Local and past administrators vie for position in Modesto California ?

By KEN CARLSON Modesto Bee

The Modesto City Council could hire a city manager this evening. It also is scheduled to discuss the creation of a committee to draw up a districting plan for city elections. Mayor Jim Ridenour said Monday that he hopes the council will vote on hiring a city manager during a closed session before the 5:30 p.m. open meeting. City leaders are considering two finalists, but Ridenour said he couldn't guarantee the council will make the decision. Former City Manager George Britton retired in January after announcing his intent to retire more than a year ago. Jim Niskanen is the acting city manager.The search for a new manager hit a snag in January when four of the top six candidates withdrew their applications. Council members evaluated other candidates and they are close to a decision


Don Quixote Note: Modesto City Officials will neither confirm nor deny that the last two candidates are presently employed in Vernon and Rossland, B.C. The Sisters City trip spearheaded by two members of the Vernon City Council lend credence to this speculation. Could the two sister cities have planned a trade at last summer's festivities. (Remember the picture of the two mayors huddled in the dugout during the last innings of the final slow pitch game !) What would Modesto hold out in trade for our current administrator ? Only time will tell.

The districting plan of Modesto also looks suspiciously like Mayor Wayne Lippert's plan of regional municipalities that he championed at the Super Regional Governance over the last 3 months.

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