Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Middleton Way Costs and Confusion

Contract Costs on City's Website:

PDE-07-29 Middleton Way Connection May 31, 2007 Lawrence Enterprises 1,978,966.80

DCC History:
DCCR026 Project MIDDLETON WAY, from Waddington to Hghwy 6 Road Upgrade is a 30% Paid for by New growth DCC's.
2004 approved DCC Costs $1,704,000 Net Costs for DCC's @ 30% = $511,200
2005 approved DCC Costs $1,874,400 Net Costs for DCC's @ 30% = $562,320
2008 *approved DCC Costs $3,062,500 Net Costs for DCC's @ 30% = $918,750
*Must yet be approved by Provincial Government and given final reading. (Sent March/08)

From 2008-2012 Financial Plan: (Page 8)
228321231 Middleton Way 2007 approved budget $663,146
2008 Proposed Budget $305,000

From March 1308 Memo from CFO to Council: (See Image- Click to Enlarge)
Total 2007 Costs for Middleton Way Project: $2,678,676.26
Total 2007 Budgeted Costs for Middleton : $1,467,352.00

Don Quixote Questions re above data:
  • The 2007 under budgeted figure of about $1,211,323 was partially funded by the $767,463 not moved into the RCMP reserve as was required under Council Policy?
  • Where is the $305,000 for 2008 coming from. General Taxation?
  • DCC funds of $645,000 is indicated as a source of funds in 2007. The DCC reserve was charged with collecting only $562,320 based on the last approved change in 2005. Is a charge in anticipation of a project change allowable?
  • In 2008 it hopefully will be approved to collect $918,750. Will the final difference of $263,750 be used in 2008 to offset the General Taxation charge of $305,000 above?
  • What happened to the $631,568 Federal/Provincial Grant that was part of the Budgeted Funding Sources?
  • The Transfer of Provincial Fine Revenue Sharing funds was not transferred to RCMP Reserve in 2007 in the amount of $495,253. The intention was to provide the audit trail so the CFO could sign the statement of certification each year that this money was used for Policing Purposes. Without moving it in will this certification be possible this year?Last Years accountability report for Vernon available at Province of B.C. Traffic Fine Sharing Report.**
Hopefully these questions will be answered at or by the Next council meeting so I don't have to ask them at the Public Input Session on Monday April 14 at 5:30PM.

** On Page 38 of this years 2008-2012 financial Plan the budget under the RCMP detatchment shows budgeted revenue of $394,740 for 2007 and a 2008 budget projection of $402,635 which is a 2% increase over 2007 budget.

This is almost $93,000 less than actual amount received in 2007 ?? Could this be adjusted to help reduce general taxation?

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