Friday, April 18, 2008

More waste water clients sought

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - April 18, 2008

New sources are being sought for Vernon’s treated waste water. Council will approach Hillview Golf Course and Coldstream Ranch to see if there is interest in using reclaimed water for irrigation purposes. “Our policy is to look at ways of expanding the program so it’s a benefit to the community,” said Mayor Wayne Lippert. “It’s proven to be a benefit to golf courses and agricultural uses.” He added that spreading waste waster on fields also means there is less demand on drinking water sources. In the hopes of hooking these two businesses up to the program, the city will pursue a federal funding grant to extend the lines. The deadline for the grant application to be submitted is April 30. If it moves ahead, the project would be constructed in two phases — Vernon Golf and Country Club (the closest user of waste water) to Hillview and then Hillview to Coldstream Ranch. Coun. Barry Beardsell wants to ensure that local taxpayers don’t foot the entire cost of extending the irrigation pipe. “Coldstream Ranch and Hillview are good recipients for reclaimed water but it’s a valuable commodity so they should be willing to pay,” he said. There are also some plans to discuss the matter with the District of Coldstream. “They may see some value in getting the irrigation line out there,” said Lippert.

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