Friday, April 25, 2008

MP's comments questioned

107.5 KISSFM Pete McIntyre:

The gloves have come off in the North Okanagan over the Conservative campaign spending controversy. NDP candidate Alice Brown is accusing Okanagan Shuswap MP Colin Mayes of misrepresenting the facts after Mayes said he didn't receive any money from his party during the 2006 election, but his campaign gave the party $10,000 to help out other campaigns that weren't as well financed. The Conservatives are accused by Elections Canada of exceeding their campaign spending limit by more than $ 1 million in a plan that involved 67 candidates incluidng Mayes. Brown says election documents show about ten thousand dollars was transferred in and out of the Mayes campaign, and was used for advertising. "So if he used it as advertising to claim a rebate, then it's not money that was used for other people's campaigns. You can't do both." Brown wants Mayes to come clean over the issue. "All of that kind of playing around the edges is all wrong and a campaign of high standard doesn't do that kind of thing. Doesn't transfer money in and out. And the higher road is to say, if we're not sure, we don't do it." Brown also feels it's wrong for Mayes to say other parties have done the same thing in the past, without giving specific examples.

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