Friday, April 25, 2008

No Fun In Vernon?

Starlee Speers Astral Media Radio (Vernon)

Vernon residents looking forward to a Father's Day Airshow or a fireworks display on Canada day, will likely be disappointed this year. Mayor Wayne Lippert says, neither has been organized so far and time is running out. The city is creating a committee to look after the airshow but it won't have its first meeting until the second week of May. Lippert says, no volunteers have really come forward yet to organize the fireworks either.


Anonymous said...

Oh come on. This is what constitutes leadership in this City? Mr. Mayor, you should pay attention to Larry the Cable Guy and just "git 'r done"! Or maybe you should strike a committee on the ramifications of gittin 'r done.

Anonymous said...

It should be noted that the Vernon Flying Club did not offer to help or participate in the Airshow. I was at the March 2008 Flying Club meeting and not one Person volunteered to help with the Airshow.

Chub Down
Vernon, BC