Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Petition added to City Hall

107.5 KISSFM Pete McIntyre

Vernon City Hall will be one of the sites people can sign the funding equity petition for Jubilee Hospital. City council voted unanimously on Monday to allow organizers to set up in the lobby to gather signatures. The elected reps are also encouraging other nearby communities to do the same. Mayor Wayne Lippert supports the motion even though he has has concerns about the precedent it sets. "Once you allow one group or organization to move forward (hold it at City Hall) then you're opening it up to the ------"

Lippert says the petition, which is likely to include thousands of signatures, will give him more clout when dealing with health officials. "It gives support to myself when I go to speak to the hospital board, to the IHA, and with (Health) minister (George) Abbott." Volunteers with the Vernon Taxpayers Association will be collecting names, until the end of May.

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