Sunday, May 25, 2008

SLOT MACHINES to be Limited to 400- NO increase recommended in Slot Machine Licencing fee.

Don Quixote Note:
Reposting of a April 26 article. This particular item was put off pending receipt of
information from Mr. Tom Christensen, MLA. On the agenda for the meeting is:THAT Council support an amendment to the Zoning Bylaw #5000 to limit the number of slot machines in the
City to 400. Agenda - 235Kb Agenda Package - 8.35MB (p.35- )

It appears that info from our MLA has been received so this part of the Casino package can proceed. Hopefully they will look at the fees that should be charged to raise the money to perpetuate a Social Responsibility Fund. The City's Lawyers use of a case about Provincial probate fees is clearly not pertinent to this discussion. At the very least, matching the Provincial fee(s) for a class B Casino plus a per worker charge would seem an interim solution until Council does some more research on this fee that should be charged.

If Fee's are charged only to cover costs for Casino Business Licence Fee, How does City Council Explain the Terasen Gas Franchise fee ?

See the link above to illustrate this double think on fees. Section 194 (4) of the Community Charter requires a municipality to make available to the public, on request, the basis for calculation of a fee. (Hopefully my request for a justification of the franchise fee charged to natural gas users imposed by the city and collected by Terasen Gas on their behalf will now be forthcoming?)
Original Apr. 26 Posting:
Agenda Package - 9.93MB (p.66-68)
Council, at its January 28, 2008 Committee of the Whole meeting, directed staff to review business license fees for casinos. This report provides Council with information on services are currently provided in the community and the legal implications of imposing an increased business license fee on casinos.
That Council support an amendment to Zoning Bylaw #5000 to limit the number of slot machines in the City to 400
Don Quixote Note:

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