Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Vernon hosts annual meeting

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - April 30, 2008

Vernon will play host to municipal politicians from across the Interior this week. The Southern Interior Local Government Association’s annual convention starts today and runs until Friday at the Prestige Inn. It will attract about 160 delegates, and Mayor Wayne Lippert believes the economic benefit to the community will be noticeable. “We will have a few hotel rooms taken up for a couple of nights and the delegates can explore Vernon,” he said. SILGA is made up of elected officials from cities, towns, villages and regional districts throughout the Southern Interior. The members range from Clinton and Ashcroft to Princeton and Osoyoos, as well as all of the communities in the North Okanagan. It was announced in spring 2007 that Vernon would host the SILGA convention, and considerable planning has occurred since then. “A lot of work has gone into this,” said Marg Bailey, the city’s deputy chief administrative officer.

Assistance has come from surrounding communities such as Coldstream and Spallumcheen. Delegates begin arriving in town today, with the agenda including a golf tournament and a reception. Delegates get down to business Thursday with the opening ceremonies at 8:30 a.m., followed by a number of presentations and sessions. Among those speaking Thursday will be Terry Pakenham and Annette Sharkey on Vernon’s Partners for a Safe and Healthy Community program. On Thursday afternoon, delegates will consider a number of resolutions. But Lippert is most excited about the guest speakers Friday and the range of topics they will cover. “There will be discussions on carbon neutral legislation and affordable housing,” he said. Friday’s speakers include City of Vernon planner Kim Flick, MLA Tom Christensen, NDP leader Carole James and Ida Chong, community services minister.

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