Wednesday, April 16, 2008

West Vernon Park

Starlee Speers, Astral Media Radio - Vernon

The city of Vernon is hoping to turn the negative into the positive. The city of Vernon is looking at buying the West Vernon Elementary property for parks and recreation. Mayor Wayne Lippert says, it's unfortunate West Vernon elementary had to close but now the city is looking at purchasing the property to use as green space. Lippert says, the city has requested more information from the school district. Councillor Juliette Cunningham says an appraisal had valued the property at 5 million dollars but that was with the maximum zoning potential. She says the city may be able to get a better deal on the property as they control the zoning. Cunningham says Greater Vernon services and Community living services have both expressed interest in forming a partnership to buy the property, adding it would be regrettable in the future if the property doesn't stay within the local government's control.

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