Saturday, May 31, 2008

Bunny rally Saturday (KELOWNA)

Wayne Moore CASTANET
A rally to save Kelowna's growing wild rabbit population from imminent demise is set for Saturday. The peaceful rally has been coordinated by a local citizen's group, which hopes enough people will show up, sign a petition and force City Council to revisit the issue. Earlier this month, council awarded a $54,000 contract to EBB Environmental Consulting to take care of the rabbit population. A press release states in part, "Mayor Shepherd and her council has 30 days to bring the issue back to the table. The fate of Kelowna's rabbits rests with them and any changes they can make, including cancelling the contract with EBB." The group claims the extermination of the rabbits by EBB could begin any day.

They say EBB has confirmed they will use one of three methods to kill the rabbits:
  • Injecting them with dry ice
  • Drowning them
  • Gassing them.
    "Ask them to re-visit their usual practices and not use lethal means on these innocent animals. Tell them that killing is not acceptable in Kelowna and that their public image will suffer as a result of using these methods." The Responsible Animal Care Society is interested in viewing any video footage of live trapping methods for any animal welfare violations. Saturday's protest will be held on Enterprise way across from the main fire hall from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Repeated calls to the owner of EBB Environmental Consulting were not returned.
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