Tuesday, May 13, 2008

City may buy school site

107.5 KISSFM Pete McIntyre

If the price is right, the city of Vernon will be making a bid to buy the former West Vernon school site. City council has agreed to partner with Greater Vernon Services and the Vernon and District Association of Community Living to see if a deal can be worked out with the school district. Councillor Juliette Cunningham would like to see it used for the community."I'm hoping we don't have to pay fair market value. The figure bandied about last year was $5.4 million and that's for the optimum zoning of that property." Mayor Wayne Lippert says the school district is to provide the city with details on the price this week.He says discussions will be held on how much funding each agency will contribute.He says the plan is to keep the green space for a park, and to use the school building for community purposes.

Don Quixote Note: The 2007 assessment on this property was $5,280,000 (Land 1,219,000 and building $4,061,000) up from the 2006 assessment of $4,814,000.

The School Board has got an appraisal done in late 2007 that was done on the highest use available. This appraisal will be forwarded onto the City of Vernon this week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The City might have had some financial latitude if it had not spent $1,500,000 on buying the Vernon Medical Clinic for what purpose?