Sunday, May 11, 2008

City silent on rabbit-kill report

By Jennifer Smith - Kelowna Capital News - May 11, 2008

Animal rights advocates will be at city hall Monday trying to convince councillors not to kill Kelowna’s rabbits. A report on the city’s website states city staff would like to see EPP Environmental Consulting from the Lower Mainland awarded a contract to deal with the rabbit population explosion. The city’s point person on the problem, Ian Wilson, said EPP was the lowest of six bidders on the project, but he could not say whether they were going to kill or trap and sterilize the rabbits. “Until I can present things to council, basically all I can tell you is that we went through an evaluation that looks at price effectiveness, the probability of success, as well as references and previous experience,” he said. But The Responsible Animal Care Society says it’s been told the company plans to kill the creatures. “One of our directors phoned and asked what is the method that you would use to deal with the rabbits? And apparently, it would be live-trapping and killing,” said Sinikka Crosland, a TRACS spokeswoman. Crosland said she believes TRACS own bid for the contract was actually $10,000 lower for the first year.
“We wanted to be honest and say that this is something that can’t be done in one year,” she said. TRACS has already captured 214 rabbits and is set to sterilize them and move the rabbits to Joe Rich. The six proposals given to the city ranged in price from $54,000 to $250,000.

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