Sunday, May 04, 2008

Communities get cash

Morning Star May 4

North Okanagan municipalities will see more traffic fine revenue going into their coffers. The provincial government announced Friday that a record $4.3 million in traffic fine revenue will go to 11 Southern Interior communities in 2008. Coldstream will get $52,929 while $73,041 will go to Lake Country and $26,417 to Spallumcheen. There will be $580,656 going to Vernon.
“Through this program, we’re returning funding to local governments to invest in programs or services that make our communities better, safer places to live,” said John van Dongen, public safety minister. It was also announced Friday that unconditional grants are being increased for small municipalities. There will be $464,392 for Armstrong, $345,627 for Coldstream, $405,220 for Enderby, $323,008 for Lake Country and $332,339 for Lumby. Spallumcheen will receive $449,773, and $142,000 for the North Okanagan Regional District.

Don Quixote Note: In the 2007 budget the anticipated fine revenue for acct 216200000 Prov. Govt Revenue Sharing Grant was $394,740. The actual amount received was $495,253 an unexpected windfall of $100,513.

The 2008 budget has been set at $402,635 which is 2% above last years budget and $92,618 below what we received last year. As it turns out the 2008 revenue that we will actually receive is $580,000 which is $177,365 more than we budgeted for. This is a miss by 44%.

The story from the local newspaper was one that contained large numbers and consequently was confined to the back pages of this esteemed local adrag as been inconsequential and incomprehensible to the average taxpayer. Big numbers or any numbers seem to confuse their reporting staff.

Let's see if the local Council is less confused than the newspaper that covers them and orders a reduction in local taxes at Tursday's finance committee meeting !

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