Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Council Bypasses Decision

Starlee Speers, Astral Media Radio - Vernon

After a nearly two hour discussion on Vernon's proposed Transportation plan, Council finished where they started on the issue of preserving a Western bypass corridor. Council unanimously approved the zero to ten year and ten to twenty- five year strategies, but were split on the twenty-five year plus option. Mayor Wayne Lippert says, he voted against the Western bypass option because he thinks an Eastern route makes more sense. Barry Beardsell voted in favour of protecting the bypass because he says, at least it gives future generations transportation options. Juliette Cunningham says what's really needed is more sustainable transportation options so a bypass is never needed. Council has voted to send the three options to the Ministry of Transportation for their opinion on the best option. Councillors Pat Cochrane, Patrick Nicol and the Mayor voted against the Western bypass, while Barry Beardsell, Jack Gilroy and Juliette Cunningham voted in favour. Buffy Baumbrough is in eligible to vote because she'd be in conflict of interest. In approving the first 25 years of the strategy council committed one point 3 million dollars a year to improving transit, and pedestrian and cycling routes.

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