Thursday, May 15, 2008

Finance Committee Meeting at 1 PM

No idea of agenda for this meeting but it may be more of preparation for the Annual Report meeting that is due by June 30. This annual report that includes reviews of past annual report objectives and goals and a presentation of this years goals as well as other info listed below. As there must be a minimum of 2 weeks for advertising of this meeting it would appear that Council will have to approve the Annual report after much thoughtful debate at one of the next 2 council meetings.

Last Years Annual Report Included:
  • Consolidated Financial Statements for 2006.
  • 2006 Permissive Tax Exemptions
  • Summary of 2006 Year End Financial Results.
  • 2005 Goal and Objectives Final Report (35 goals in total)
  • 2006 Goals and Objectives Restated (19 goals in total)
  • 2007 Goals and Objectives (5 goals in total)
  • 2006 Schedule of Council Remuneration and Expenses
  • 2006 Schedule of Employee Remuneration over $75,000 and expenses.
  • 2006 Vendors paid in excess of $25,000

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