Friday, May 30, 2008

Governance put on hold

107.5 KISSFM Pete McIntyre

One of the North Okanagan's top politicians admits he's disappointed in the province's decision to ground the study into valley governance. After reviewing a task force's report on the issue, Community Services Minister Ida Chong decided it's not possible to make changes to the current structure at this time. Chong says she won't ask the task force for further study to avoid taking up too much of their time leading up to the municipal elections in November. Task force vice chairman, NORD chair and Armstrong mayor Jerry Oglow says a lot of work went into the study and he questions the government's motives. Oglow tells KISS FM, "It is a bit disappointing. It's basically a 180 degree turn from the priority she and her ministry gave the project last fall when we met with her. It's a little bit discouraging that way, but hopefully the work we've done won't go onto some back shelf somewhere." Oglow expects the province will put the issue on hold until after the BC election in May, so as not to upset any valley voters. Task Force chairman Robert Hobson of Kelowna says it appears Chongs is deferring a decision until more information is gathered. "Our report suggested a couple of options be worked on in more detail including looking at the cost and benefits and she has agreed to do that work." Hobson says at the same time the four major Okanagan city mayors have already agreed to work together on a number of similar issues which may also satisfy Chong's governance desire. Hobson agrees with Oglow that nothing more will take place on the matter until after the provincial election next May.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a bit disappointing. Why should it be oterwise-anything that Oglow does is disappointing-he has no passion,he mouths platitudes,so why should he be concerned about what the minister does? Oglow is what is wrong with the regional district-no backbone and no conviction!