Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Identical houses in Vernon and Coldstream compared for taxes.

They told me that it was unfair to compare the same price house in Kelowna against one in Vernon.

So I simply compared two houses that sit on opposite sides of the boundary line in Coldstream and Vernon. The prime difference seems to be City Taxes (including Fire) in Vernon that are substantially higher than comparable Coldstream rates.

These two identical homeowners can access the same regional amenities but the Coldstream homeowner has more money in his pockets after he pays his property taxes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best comparison yet. And Coldstream would not help towards the cost ($3million) for fixing Middleton Way)-where according to Beardsell, one half the traffic is from Coldstream, and Coldstream thinks that their water costs should be subsidized by Vernon-"country living at its finest"-at the expense of Vernon!