Sunday, May 11, 2008

Joe Rich incorporation to council

by Kim Calloway - Power May 11, 2008 Castanet

The issue of whether or not to incorporate rural areas like Joe Rich, Ellison and the south Mission into the city of Kelowna, is now headed to City Council. Mayor Sharon Shepherd, doesn't know what council will do with the question, or whether the city will commission a full survey to gauge the level of local interest in joining Kelowna. But, Shepherd says she personally believes a detailed survey of those residents would be a logical first step. A regional district committee has turned the issue back to Kelowna council, after hearing about petitions asking for city incorporation from some Joe Rich residents. The annexation or incorporation possibility went to the regional board, because those three rural areas on the edges of Kelowna are in the Central Okanagan Regional District.
Don Quixote Note: Will this effectively bring about a Central Okanagan Regional District (CORD) where there is few if any rural voices left in that region? Will the 203 RDCO employees who were there before the Westside Incorporation (some who have now left for Westside employment no doubt) feel the need to protect their bureacrabcy by looking for more kingdoms to conquer? Will their political Masters led by their Chairman cast their sights on the confused and dysfunctional region to their North, NORD ? Will beloved leader Ida Chong, as she plans the political future of the region in far off Victoria, recognize that she can gain political favour from at least 3 of the 4 big city Mayors by announcing the merger of CORD and NORD and the rationalization of their bloated bureaucrabcies? Will she agree that the provincial treasury will pay for all severance packages for the redundant top level bureaucrabs so as to garner the compliance of the majority of big city voters who will not willingly follow their mayor's agreement? Was the future of CORD the real reason why the exercise in super regional governance was put into motion in the first place?

By the end of May Beloved Leader will favour us with her wisdom and her proclamation will be the law of the land.

On Feb 28 I Posted:
To me it appears that we have three separate regional districts with different reasons for being told to come to the table by the leader. The nucleus is the Central Regional District (CORD) who has lost a good portion of their 'raison d'etre' when the Westbank opted to become a municipality and now have a surplus of bureacrabs and anointed politicians that must find new homes in which to work or rule. On the north end is NORD which is unraveling and is a dysfunctional version of its original being as it blindly stumbles through governance and personality issues and was ordered to the table by the provincial government. On the South end of the table is the
South Okanagan Similkameen regional district that appears to be working quite well and would like to be left alone but has been forced to endure this traveling circus probably in the hope that its functionality will serve as an example and will rub off on its Northern Cousins.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would suggest that she is not the beloved leader in Victoria but a confused old political hack that is still trying to find out which way the wind is blowing and also whether Goofy Gordo is going to tell her what to do-just hope she does not listen to tom!