Sunday, May 11, 2008

Last-place candidate kicked out of upcoming council race

May 11, 2008 Kelowna Capital News

Tony Grzegorzewski finished last in the Westside councillor election in November. But come this November, any campaign he plans to run will be over before it begins. That’s because Grzegorzewski is accused of failing to properly disclose his financial statements from November’s council race, according to the regional district, which ran the new municipality’s first election. A person who fails to declare financial statements within 120 days faces a $500 fine. If the statements still haven’t been filed within 150 days of the general vote, the candidate forfeits the right to run in the next municipal election, according to the Local Government Act.
Mayoral candidate Aaron Dinwoodie almost landed in the same boat. He paid the $500 fine for missing the first deadline and then filed his financial statements just two days before the second and final deadline. Dinwoodie finished second in the mayoral race with 2,810 votes, losing to Rosalind Neis By comparison, Grzegorzewski finished last among councillor candidates with just 369 votes. Thatwas eight per cent of what top vote-earner Coun. Doug Findlater received. He garnered 4,810 votes.

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