Monday, May 12, 2008

MLA values petition but not bound by results

107.5 KISSFM Pete McIntyre:

Improvements to BC's health care system are based on facts--- not petition numbers. That's the comment from MLA Tom Christensen when asked what he plans to do once a petition calling for more funding for Vernon's hospital is completed this month. Christensen says petitions show what the community would like to see happen. "I put a great deal of value in getting that type of input from the Vernon Taxpayers Association or any other organization that puts forward a petition but what I'm saying is you shouldn't make public policy decisions based solely on petitions." The Taxpayers group has the petitions at dozens of locations around the region. The forms will be collected May 31 and then presented to Christensen and other BC government officials once the numbers are tallied. The document calls for more funding for acute care beds, nursing staff and operating rooms at Vernon Jubilee Hospital.


Anonymous said...

Fair comment,but if Christensen had stood up for this community a petition would not have been needed. How can he look at himself in the mirror in the morning!

Anonymous said...

Really Tom Christensen is not concerned about PETITION NUMBERS"??

He will be at the next election when the voters he shows direspect to with this petition