Tuesday, May 13, 2008

No pay increase for the mayor

- Wayne Moore -Castanet May 13
Kelowna City Councillors will receive a modest raise beginning in 2009. The Mayor will receive none. That was part of a report on council indemnity presented Monday by Jack Dangerfield, part of a three-member citizen's committee looking into council remuneration, expenses and benefits. Councillors are currently paid 33 per cent of the mayor's indemnity. Under the proposal passed unanimously by council, the remuneration for councillors will increase to 34 per cent of the mayor's pay on January 1, 2009 and to 35 per cent January 1, 2010. Dangerfield says that works out to about an extra $75 per month for each councilor in the first year. he committee also recommended the mayor not receive a specific increase, except for an annual adjustment based on the previous year's Consumer Price Index for Vancouver.

The mayor will also receive an additional expense account not to exceed $1,500 annually for meal time meetings in his/her capacity as mayor. "Service to our community should not be an expense to the individual in out of pocket costs in performance of their duties. To this end, it is felt existing policy regarding reimbursement for meetings and functions attended by councillors is adequate," says Dangerfield. "however, it is our opinion that the mayor has additional requirements for the purpose of representation and communication. It is not recommended the mayor be issued a City credit card, that instead, any expenses be claimed on production of receipts and signed expense forms."

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