Friday, May 02, 2008

Revelstoke Signs Resort Agreement

Starlee Speers Astral Media Radio (Vernon)

Revelstoke has become the most recent community to sign an agreement under the BC resort municipality initiative. Communities Services Minister Ida Chong says the initiative means Revelstoke is able to receive a share of the provincial hotel room tax. "Well Revelstoke is now able to access some hotel room tax, 2. 5 million dollars over the next five years." Chong says, in order for communities to be eligible for the designation they must put in a place an additional two percent hotel room tax and prepare a resort development strategy. Revelstoke mayor Mark McKee says the money will be used for marketing the community and tourism infrastructure. Some of the initiatives the money will be used for include a new conference centre, snowmobile trail development, and a bus service to the resort. Nine communities currently have signed resort agreements including Whistler, Golden, Rossland and Osoyoos.

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