Friday, May 23, 2008

Rural directors support city’s western bypass

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - May 23, 2008

A controversial proposed bypass through Vernon has been endorsed by the region’s rural politicians. The Electoral Area Services Committee passed a motion Tuesday supporting corridor preservation for a western bypass through Vernon. “It has a lesser impact on agricultural land than other options,” said Rick Fairbairn, EASC chairman and rural Lumby director for the North Okanagan Regional District. That decision came after the EASC received a presentation from the City of Vernon on its draft transportation plan. City staff have recommended the western bypass to Vernon council, but that option has come under attack from many residents who say it will divide existing neighbourhoods in the Mission Hill, Okanagan Landing and Bella Vista areas. They also claim it will negatively impact agricultural land and the natural environment. However, the rural politicians say the western bypass is preferred to other options, such as an eastern route going through East Vernon and the BX. “The people in the eastern areas don’t want a highway running through their area for the same reasons people in the west don’t want it,” said Stan Field, BX-Silver Star director. Field added that as long as the BX remains within NORD’s jurisdiction, a new highway is unlikely.

“There won’t be a lot of development in the rural areas and it’s all in the Agricultural Land Reserve,” said Field. “They (city) would be hard pressed to get road easements through development. We want to protect the ALR lands.” City staff will present the transportation plan to council May 26 for consideration, and until that occurs, little is being said about the content of the document. “Our staff recommendations have been amended based on public input. The bypass design has been altered,” said Lorne Holowachuk, transportation specialist. The plan provides a number of options for short, medium and long-term timeframes. “We’ve done a real thorough assessment of the alternatives,” said Holowachuk. “Council has the benefit of staff thinking beyond the 25-year period.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Typical of Nimbys like Stan Field

He wants it as far as possible from his own back yard!
No the Western By-pass proposal is being put forward to accomodate certain developers in Vernon!!

There is only real bypass and that is through the West Side and it means working together with the OK Indian Band to make it happen