Friday, May 09, 2008

Salaries raise some concern

EDITORIAL Morning Star:

The issue of compensation generally comes up any time a public agency releases details about wages and benefits. And that will likely be the case after the North Okanagan Regional District released its 2007 financial statements for politicians and staff Wednesday. The 34 politicians affiliated with NORD collected $278,339 in remuneration and expenses. In the case of chairman Jerry Oglow, it amounted to $36,630. While we don’t begrudge Oglow being compensated fairly for his work on the public’s behalf, it should be pointed out that many taxpayers who pay Oglow’s wage don’t make that themselves. Director Cliff Kanester defended his $25,526 by saying, “If I was working in the private sector and spent the time I did on politics, I’d make $75,000 or more.” And that may be true, but there is a significant difference. People get into the private sector generally to support themselves and their family. Politics is supposed to be about serving the community. Obviously there has to be fair compensation to reflect the impact politics has on an individual’s personal career and family, but the public’s ability to pay is finite. In terms of NORD’s employees, there is no question that many of them have training and knowledge that requires a certain salary, especially if the district wants to retain them. But while 16 NORD staff earned more than $100,000 each last year, there are residents getting handed pink slips or struggling to put food on the table. The argument can be made that the public still demands services through both good and bad economic times, but at some point, government’s willingness to spend money must reflect the taxpayers’ ability to pay.
Don Quixote Note: $210,143 (188,805 remuneration and $21,338 in expenses) was the total in 2006. ($187,469 Total in 2005) ($167,459 +$20,010 in exp. )

This years total of $278,339 represents only a 32.43% increase.

By Contrast staff total salaries and expenses increased by 14.06%. $4,509,162 was the 2006 employees total remuneration and expenses ($4,290,675 + 218,487) In 2007 this went up to $5,143,360 ($4,969,913 +$173,447 in expenses )


Anonymous said...

Kanester would not make $75,000 per year working in the private sector. With his attitude he would not last 2 weeks in the private sector before being let go. Lets face it-all these politicians are way over paid-they have zero ability. The beaurocrabs are also way overpaid and obviously fooled the politicians into thinking they deserved these inflated salaries. Get rid of Nord!

Anonymous said...

Over the course of the fiscal year 2006-2007 NORD staff wages increased 2.5%. Granted there were new staff positions created which contributed to an overall salary increase, but the major portion of the salary increase during this year was the result of a compensation review ordered, at the urging of the top bureaucrats, by the Regional Board. The result of that review is reflected in the extremely bloated salaries at the top of the food chain and the increase in shear numbers of employees over the 75K mark reflected in the reporting. The top bureaucrat at NORD saw a salary increase of nearly 50% from the previous year. The average taxpayer has to ask themself if paying the top level bureaucrats a significantly higher wage improves the level of service they receive from NORD. I imagine the same is true with the City and other jurisdictions in the Regional District. I suppose we'll see when those numbers get released.

Anonymous said...

Oglow-you and the other directors are out to lunch-you just think you are part of an old boys club (although you have let a few old crows in) However,they have no ability either.

Anonymous said...

I do not begrudge the pitance the poloticians make compared to the bloated salaries paid to Staff. Mr. Reardon is in over his head and needs replacing. There are many people in the community that Volunteer their time to make NORD run so we can pay senior staff BLOATED salaries!!! Go figure!! Elections are coming up and everyone should think long and hard about the choices they should make!