Friday, May 09, 2008

Vernon - A morning crime spree lands four people in jail


Work stared early for one of the members of the Vernon Safe Communities Unit today as he was coming into work he heard a report on the radio of a description of a stolen boat being towed by a white jeep. He noticed the boat and Jeep parked at the Esso on 32nd St. He called the police. The suspects left the service station so he followed at safe distance behind and kept in contact with the dispatch centre. Within minutes members of the Vernon detachment were able to stop the vehicle and boat near 43rd St and 25th Ave. They took a male and female into custody for possession of stolen property.

Continuing on to work he then did a drive around the Upper Room Mission area on the way to the police office when he noticed a red car being driven very erratically his instincts told him it had to be stolen. A called was placed to the police again and the dispatch centre confirmed the vehicle was stolen. Police cars were dispatched and a second male and female were apprehended for possession of stolen property.Within 20 minutes the police were able recover a stolen boat and trailer, and a stolen car. The four people remain in custody at this time and the investigation continues.

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