Wednesday, May 21, 2008

VJH Political Football

Betty Selin, Astral Media Radio - Vernon

Vernon Jubilee overcrowding was the subject of quite a debate in the BC Legislature yesterday. NDP Health Critic, Adrian Dix says hallway medicine has become a daily reality in BC and Vernon is one of the worst cases. Dix says in the first 4 months of this year there were 41 code purples to rapidly discharge patients. Health Minister George Abbott says after ten years of the NDP doing nothing for VJH, they're getting ready for a major expansion. He says more acute beds are coming as part the 100-million dollar expansion is on its way. Dix says doctors' pleas are being ignored, while the hospital operates at 110 percent capacity. The government will soon be getting a petition full of signatures of area residents asking for more beds and staff for Vernon's hospital.

Don Quixote Note: Full text of debate (or what passes for debate) at AVAILABILITY OF BEDS AT VERNON JUBILEE HOSPITAL

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