Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bypass Dead

Starlee Speers, Astral Media Radio - Vernon

After another lengthy discussion at Vernon council, the controversy of protecting the Western bypass is over. Mayor Wayne Lippert was the tie-breaker in the vote that in the end, opposed protection of any bypass. Lippert says, he has concerns about the property owners who would see their land devalued if the corridor was protected. He says the BC government has yet to get involved in the debate even the route would be a Provincial highway. Councillor Buffy Baumbrough was ineligible to vote as she's in conflict and Jack Gilroy was absent. Councillors Patrick Nichol and Pat Cochrane joined the mayor in opposing protecting the Western corridor. Councillors Juliette Cunningham and Barry Beardsell were both in favour of protecting the Western Corridor. Beardsell says to say he's disappointed is understating his feelings on councils decision. He says, council was asked to protect the corridor for the future and the mayors arguments regarding the Eastern bypass and property devaluation are red herrings. Council did approve an aggressive transportation demand management strategy which includes increasing parking rates as incentives to get people out of their cars.


Anonymous said...

Nichol and Cochran did not "join the Mayor" The Mayor joined Nichol and Cochran. The mayor has never taken a leadership position yet-he just waits to see what direction the others are voting before he gets off his rear end!

Anonymous said...

This council must go-- everyone of them except Barry Beardsell