Thursday, June 12, 2008

Coldstream Salaries for Staff and Council

The 2007 Annual Financial Report (2.45MB PDF) for the District of Coldstream is now available to interested members of the public. This report includes the audited Financial Statements for 2007, a progress report on 2007, goals and objectives for 2008 and 2009, and a number of other financial reports.

The reports on this posting are:
  • the 2007 Coldstream staff Salaries >$75,000 and the Political Salaries of Coldstream Council.
  • the 2006 Coldstream staff Salaries >$75,000 and the Political Salaries of Coldstream Council.
  • the 2007 NORD Political Salaries so you can add up what extra each Coldstream Council member picked up for their duties at NORD.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice exposure-more of a sneaky way of taking money from the taxpayers without earning it. Corner-allthat money from Gvsc and he did nothing for them and did not fight or really support their continued existence! Then there is Taylor-look at what he earns and look at his expenses and look at what he has contributed!