Thursday, June 05, 2008

IH officials optimistic about new VJH beds

107.5 KISSFM Pete McIntyre

There's no guarantees but Interior Health officials are optimistic there will be more acute care beds once Vernon Jubilee Hospital is expanded. The health agency held a hastily arranged news conference today to respond to recent comments in the media that the hospital's doctors don't support the expansion. The physicians are concerned the new facility won't bring more beds and operating rooms. Interior Health's Okanagan chief operating officer Joanne Konnert says negotiations are underway with the Regional District and the Health Ministry to add two shelled-in floors, and up to 70 new beds, to the 83 million dollar diagnostic- treatment tower. Construction on that project is expected to start this fall, with completion by early 2011. Konnert says even if the new floors aren't added, there will be room for more beds in the old building, once the expansion is complete. She says the negotiations over the design of the new building, and if it will include the two new floors, should be completed by July.

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