Friday, June 13, 2008

Ida Chong reads the Morning Star

Letter to Editor June 13

Unfortunately, your editorial on the Okanagan governance model (Chong drops the ball, June 1, 2008) misses the mark by failing to mention the Task Force recommended the ministry conduct further analysis after the group was unable to agree on how to move forward. The Okanagan Valley is one of B.C.’s fastest growing regions, and is facing serious climate change, water supply, traffic management and air quality challenges. The Task Force consultation showed that each regional district had different perspectives on these issues, as well as their own unique challenges. With a lack of agreement from the Task Force, the complexities of the issues affecting individual areas in the valley and the need for First Nations consultation, clearly more time is needed for more detailed work. It should also be understood that positive action has come from the Task Force’s work. There is now better understanding of the issues within specific communities; new relationships have been forged, like the Memorandum of Understanding between Vernon, Kelowna, Westside and Penticton; and there is more awareness of the challenges facing the region at all levels. We look forward to building on this work so that we can identify a governance model that will meet the needs of residents now and in the future, and help realize the immense potential of one of B.C.’s most dynamic regions.

Ida Chong, Minister of Community Svs.

Don Quixote Note: Chong Drops the Ball is Editorial in question June 1.


Anonymous said...

Chong could not drop the ball-she has never had the ball. She is probably the most ineffective Minister of Community Services that the Province has ever had.She should be removed from the position by the Premier.She has passed off as much authority as possible to UBCM and in effect has created another level of government. Even Hobson of Kelowna seems to have more power than Chong and he speaks and she listens.

Anonymous said...

Ida Chong is right on

The problem lies with the rubbish leadership we in the Okanagan elect to manage our affairs

Appalling leadership in Vernon-

equally awful leadership in the Coldstream and the regional districts


Is ANYONE listening??

The Vernon and Districts Taxpayers' Association has proposed to Mayor Lippert to call A MORATORIUM on all major development to take stock of the water situation

What does the Mayor do?

He poses every opportunity he can with Major developers and cracks Champagne bottles with them!!!

We need to get rid of such blind leadership and appoint people with some intelligence and vision

Then and only then will Ida Chong -or whoever is in her position - will start listening to us with some credibility!!

We need to wake up in Vernon at the next Municipal election