Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mayor and Council at Vernon's Sister City of Modesto get Raises

Excerpt of Story from Modesto Bee: June 12
Privately, some supervisors have commented on the fact that Modesto's City Council, on a 4-3 vote, agreed to take sizable pay raises, as recommended by a citizens salary commission. We see a big distinction. Supervisors have been earning $5,872 a month. In contrast, Modesto council members have been receiving $800 a month since 1989. Effective July 1, that will go up to $2,000 a month for the six council members and $3,600 a month for the mayor, who puts in more than 40 hours a week on city business.
Don Quixote Note: Modesto's website give you details on the Mayor's proposed budget for 2008-2009. Population of Modesto in 2007 according to Wikipedia was 205,721.

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