Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Minister comes under fire

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - June 11, 2008

Vernon politicians want Community Services Minister Ida Chong slapped on the hand, but they have stopped short of calling for her head. In a 5-1 vote, council decided Monday to write a letter to Premier Gordon Campbell indicating disappointment in Chong’s handling of Okanagan governance. Chong recently decided not to make any changes. “Something needed to be done in a hurry and she has been irresponsible,” said Coun. Barry Beardsell. That was also the view of Coun. Pat Cochrane. “You can’t have a minister that wasn’t prepared to make a decision. There was an opportunity, especially in Greater Vernon, to do that and she chose to do nothing,” he said. A majority of council opted to write a letter expressing disappointment in Chong after a motion demanding her resignation died in a tie-vote. Coun. Patrick Nicol was unwilling to support any motion that criticized Chong. “Ida Chong has done more than anyone else to bring people together. She’s not closing the door to making changes,” he said.

In a letter to council, Chong stated that there are different urban and rural views on issues of common interest. “I have also had the opportunity to hear directly from many local elected officials in the Okanagan, representing both urban and rural areas.” Those comments brought a sharp response from Beardsell. “She’s stating two-and-a-half pages of garbage. She’s stating the obvious,” he said. Beardsell also took issue with Chong’s decision to pursue more information on possible governance models. “If anything needs following up, it’s her doing something,” he said.

In an interview with The Morning Star, Chong defended her actions. “I haven’t dropped the entire idea (of governance changes),” she said. “The process allowed for meaningful dialogue to take place. But there is follow-up work to do.” Chong believes the information gathered by the governance task force will allow the issue to unfold further, and she said she is also waiting for input from electoral areas on rural values and to see how a new relationship between the valley’s large cities unfolds. Chong says her goal has been to try and bring people together and that is happening despite Beardsell’s comments. “He is being disrespectful of the other mayors and regional districts.”

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