Monday, June 02, 2008

NORD chair hopeful of settlement

107.5 KISSFM Pete McIntyre

With the issue of valley governance put on hold, NORD's chairman would like to see a settlement to the ongoing political disputes within Greater Vernon. Jerry Oglow is optimistic the city of Vernon can reach a compromise with Areas B and C. He tells KISS FM, "We've done a terrific amount of work, the stakholders have (Vernon, Coldstream, Areas B and C), to identify where the pinch points are. It's now going to boil down to identifying a compromise that would work for the four stakeholders. "We've had this on our plate over a year now and I know the stakeholders themselves are quite tired of the in-fighting and would very much like to see a resolution." Oglow hopes a solution can be found through the ongoing series of service reviews that involved detailed examinations of the functions provided by the regional district.At this point, the electoral areas are planning to withdraw from Greater Vernon governance in a year, while the city plans to pull out of water distribution at the end of this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is this guy-"Pinch points" He still tries to ignore the facts. Oglow-why not retire-you are no help to anyone. Go back to where you came from.