Sunday, June 15, 2008

Rabbits need lucky charms

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - June 15

A Vernon politician hopes to avoid the killing of feral rabbits that’s occurred in another Okanagan town. Coun. Pat Cochrane believes there is a need for the city to be proactive when it comes to the rabbit population. “There is a developing problem and it could get worse,” he said. In Kelowna, officials there recently decided to spend $56,000 to capture and kill rabbits there. In both communities, the rabbit populations are a result of residents letting pets loose. Among the concerns is rabbits destroying landscaping and potentially farm crops. There is also the fact that they can reproduce every 28 days, 12 months a year. “They can get pregnant on the same day they give birth,” said Maurie Deaton, the founder of Vernon’s Rabbit Rescue, which captures rabbits, spays and neuters them and then tries to find adoptive homes for the animals. On Thursday, the Greater Vernon Services Committee agreed to consider insurance options so Rabbit Rescue can continue its activities at Kin Race Track. “Maurie is supplying a service voluntarily and it’s important for us to support her,” said Gary Corner, GVSC chairman. Discussions will be held with the City of Vernon to see how Rabbit Rescue can obtain liability insurance, which is required because Rabbit Rescue is attracting people to the barns at the race track. “People are wandering around and horses can be dangerous animals,” said Corner. GVSC met with Deaton and the Vernon Agricultural Society, which hosts horse races, to discuss the issue.

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