Wednesday, June 04, 2008

RCMP security to board cruise ships during 2010

The RCMP has secured a contract to house its security personnel in two cruise ships during the 2010 Olympic Games at a cost of more than $37 million. Service on the two ships will include 24-hour meal service and provide the same type of accommodation as an average hotel, the RCMP says. The ships will be docked in Vancouver, and rooms usually used for entertainment will be used for meetings. Victoria-based Cruise Connections Charter Management won the contract after the Vancouver 2010 Integrated Security Unit put out a call for bids without specifying a cost. Inspector Donna Kaluza, accommodations director for the Integrated Security Unit said security should remain close to the city's Olympic venues, and athletes, visitors and residents will be reassured by their close proximity. Earlier this month the Vancouver 2010 Integrated Security Unit said it had also secured the downtown Blue Horizon Hotel for its security personnel during the games.

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