Monday, July 07, 2008

Actual Pictures of incamera meeting .

Purported to be inside the secret bunker 600 meters below the surface of the earth and is accessed by a top clearance elevator located in the basement of City Hall in an obscure Phone Booth.

Built to protect the municipal government of the sixties from nuclear attack, this once-secret bunker is now a place where all Dark Side Meetings are held.

As the security pictured here are in full suit and ties it is obvious that this depiction is not from 'Casual Friday'.

All current authorized occupants have top security clearance and have sworn that they will have Velcro Lips if questioned on this Darkside Fortress of Solitude.

It has yet to be determined if the Council has discovered the source of these secret, clandestine photos that are produced exclusively here for the first time. Two other pictures with different security teams have also been made available to this blog. Stay Tuned !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You mean "stay tunneled"?