Saturday, July 26, 2008

Hansma plans to stay put

Spallumcheen’s longtime mayor will seek a fifth term in November’s civic elections. Mayor Will Hansma announced this week that he would be running to retain the mayor’s seat, citing positive input from township residents. “I’ve decided, based on the response from people that I talked to, that I should run one more time anyway, at least one more time,” he told The Morning Star. Hansma said he wants to see through the adoption of amendments to the township’s official community plan, ensure the township remains affordable for a younger generation of residents and develop a more comprehensive road plan. “When I became mayor I had a list and I wanted to accomplish the things on the list,” said Hansma. While he said he’s crossed off many of the items, he added: “As time goes on you realize there are other things that take place because of decisions you’ve made over time.” Hansma says he’s tried to find the middle ground over time, accepting moderate, but not rapid, growth. And while some in the very political township have expressed displeasure at certain stances, Hansma said it comes with the territory. “That’s part of your role as mayor. You’re always going to have people who are upset at you at one given time or another.” In the last election, Hansma ran unopposed, which he took to mean the public was pleased with the township’s direction. “If people feel that I’m not doing a good job...I’m sure there will be somebody to run against me,” he said of this year’s elections. “Competition is always good. It always brings all the issues to the forefront.”

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