Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hesperia President to provide answers to Council Question on Monday at 4:30

(4:30 PM) (P. 34) Agenda Package - 1.63MB
A. Mr. Ken Stewart, President, Hesperia Development Corporation (HDC) re: Questions of Council Regarding HDC

'THAT Council requests the Hesperia Development corporation provide responses to the
following questions regarding the Hesperia Development:
1) is the affordability ratio, presented by Ms. Flick's memo of March 10th, indicating 1/3 - medium, income; 1/3 moderate and 1/3 above applicable, and if so, how many units in each class would this represent?
2) Is the norm for this development costing 1/3 land, 1/3 costs and 1/3 profit, applicable?
3) Why is the revenue of only $38 million? Provide breakdown, costs and donation of land.
4) Why the decrease from $47 million previously indicated?
5) Why $2 million in DCC's?
6) How was the appraisal of the property done?
7) lf offered for sale to the Development Community, would it be for high density development? What is anticipated? What zoning is being included in the financial plan, ie units per acres?
8) Letter of Credit to the ALR, is it a 5 year plan and contingent on anything?
Don Quixote Note: It appears that the answers to Council's questions will be forthcoming at a COW meeting that will be reopened after regular Council meeting on Monday afternoon. Expected time to hear these answers is slated for 4.30 PM.

The Vernon And District Taxpayers questions appear on the regular agenda at P.75
Agenda Package - 10.4MB under unfinished Business. Whether their questions will be answered at this time or deferred to the 4:30 COW meeting is left unanswered.

The President of Hesperia did have a 2 hour meeting at City Hall last Thursday and hopefully this will provide sufficient preparation to provide some clarity to the Hesperia Project.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SO this council goes ahead and hands over69 acres of Taxpayer owned lands to a group of businessmen developers and realtors without having any knowledge of what the plans are -not even how an appraisal is carried out if any!!??

Have they gone completely bonkers??

What is the CA of the City and the hired administration doing ?

What is their responsibility here??

It takes the Vernon Taxpayers'Association to raise the alarm before any questions are put out to this secretive group that supposedly are acting on behalf of the taxpayers!!

Who appointed them ?-They certainly are not elected

So what were the criteria used to appoint these individuals ?

What an appalling state of affirs at City Hall

Roll on November