Sunday, July 06, 2008

New category of RCMP member a first for British Columbia

Chilliwack – Residents of four British Columbia communities will soon notice an addition to their local police force.

Beginning next week Surrey, Langley, Maple Ridge and Prince George are set to have new RCMP Community Safety Officers patrolling their streets in addition to the normal service the RCMP already provides. The CSO project, the first of its kind within the RCMP, is designed to enhance police service in the communities that are taking part a pilot project. The sixteen CSO’s are from the inaugural class which graduated from the Pacific Region Training Centre in Chilliwack today.

“The CSO project is designed to enhance the existing police service provided to each of the pilot sites. CSOs are not a replacement for regular police officers, they are an enhancement focused on local community issues. They are dedicated to a community and are not required to transfer the way our regular officers are. Applicants from the class were carefully selected for this new police role.” explains Inspector Doug Scott, Team Leader, Pacific Region, Client Service Enhancement Project. “Though their will be a small number of CSOs to start, the CSO’s themselves will be highly visible members of the RCMP that will assist detachments by building strong relationships within the community and relieving Regular Members of some of their lower risk duties.”

Community Safety Officers will be distinguished by a highly visible red jacket and red brassard over the uniform shirt. They will not be armed with a firearm but will carry a baton and pepper spray for self-defence purposes.

“We have worked closely with our municipal governments to ensure the Community Safety Officers roles were designed specifically to meet their needs. It’s a great advantage to this new position – their duties are adapted to the city or community they serve, based on their priorities.” Duties of CSOs will vary between communities but may include crime prevention and crime reduction activities, foot patrols, meeting with business and other local groups to identify and inform local community issues and to provide a community link between the RCMP Detachments and the communities we serve..
Don Quixote Note: Full details of this new position can be found at Enhanced Policing Options - Community Safety Officers

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