Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Petition demands roundabout halt

by Peter McIntyre 107.5 kissfm

Vernon city council is being asked to halt plans for a new roundabout in Easthill. A representative for dentist Dr. Karl Denk presented city council with a 296 name petition from patients and area residents Monday. They want the plan for a traffic circle at 32nd Ave and Pleasant Valley Road scrapped, citing concerns about the cost, the impact to the dental business, and the trouble drivers will have with it. Councillor Barry Beardsell feels the city should stick with its decision. "I think the city made up it's mind. I've looked at the petition.I 've looked at the wording on it and I have considered it. It has not changed my mind." Mayor Wayne Lippert, who was against the roundabout in the original vote, disagrees with revisiting the issue. "At this point in time, the roundabout will go ahead. Regardless of whether I think it should or not, the majority of council decided it should, and the procedural bylaw says that's what will happen and that's what we need to follow." Easthill resident Larry Lundgren told council, opponents to the circle won't go down lightly, and could take legal action. The elected reps will debate the issue at the city's August 11-th meeting.

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